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IPL Treatment in London, Ontario

LUCENT IPL - Professional Intense Pulse Light System. An effective system for professional skin treatments and hair removal.


Love the Look of your Skin

Are LUCENT IPL treatments a good match to treat your skin concerns?

  Do you have brown pigment such as age or sun spots melasma or unwanted freckies?
  Have you noticed the appearance of visible vessels, comonly knoen as spider veins?
  Do you have redness across our cheeks or around your nose?
  Has your complexion become sull or uneven?
  Do you suffer from acne breakouts and related redness?
  has your skin started to show signs of aging such as fine lines or wrinkles?
  Are you looking for an overall brightening & evening of your complexion?
  Do you prefer aesthetic treatments with little to no downtime?

CARE+ MEDICAL AESTHETICS The ultimate skin brightening solution. Confidence to go filter free

We're all born with a luminous even complexion, but as we age a variety of conditions can impact the look of our skin.

Age and sun spots, acne, pigmentation, and broken capillaries can leave us turning to makeup and photo filters for an even, lit-from-within glow.

IPL (Intense pulse light) treatments can address skin concerns, such as sun fdamage, acne, pigment & vascular lesions while at the same-firming proteins like collage and elastin. Results include visible improvement in skin tone & texture, even complexion and a youthful healthy glow.


Ultimate treatment flexibility

Treatment options with LUCENT IPL.



Signs of Aging

Signs of Aging

Pigmentation & Sun damage

Pigmentation & Sun damage

Vascular lesions

Vascular lesions

Hair Eemoval

Hair Eemoval

How LUCENT IPL works

LUCENT IPL Technology delivers energy at different wavelengths to target the root cause of Dry Eyes. The filtered light is absorbed by the skin and converted to thermal energy, which targets the inflammatory vessels surrounding the eye, shutting them off and reducing inflammation.

LUCENT IPL technology delivers energy at different wavelengths to address numerous aesthetic and dermatology needs. The depth of penetration varies according to the wavelength.

How LUCENT IPL works

Before & After Results

Here are just a few of the incredible IPL treatment results patients have seen.


Our team is committed to serve you better and discover the best version of your skin, hair and body.